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Volume 24

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Chapters Originally Published in:
Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 15 - 19 & 21 - 26

Kyokai no RINNE Vol 24

Chapter 229: 呪われたのぞき玉
Norowareta nozoki dama

(The Cursed Crystal Ball)
In the other world Masato wanders through an open-air market where he buys some cracker ball fireworks to torment Rinne. In the world of the living Rinne and Rokumon happily count up a stack of coins realizing they've got 2,000 yen, enough to treat themselves to some cheap fast food. A meat bun appears before them but promptly blows up in their faces as Masato appears and they realize he booby-trapped it with his fireworks, smugly telling the pair that he watched them go from heaven to hell in an instant. Elsewhere Sakura chats with Annette about her crystal ball. Annette explains that since this morning she can only see stars inside the ball for some reason. Sakura immediately realizes why as she sees Masato falling from the sky and crashing into Annette's head which produces stars spinning around her eyes. While Annette is unconscious Masato sees her crystal ball and makes plans for how he can use it for his own mischief. Back at his apartment Rinne cleans up the mess Masato made when he finds a flier advertising a sale on scythe wax, where if he buys 2,000 yen worth he'll get an extra can worth 200 yen for free. Rinne is crushed, realizing that he is 100 yen short, realizing Masato must have snatched a coin while he was there. At school Masato closely watches Annette as she carries off her crystal ball. It seems there are two types of crystal ball users in the world, the white witches who make a contract with shinigami to use the crystal ball for benevolent ends and black witches who have made a contract with a devil to deliver sinister fortunes. Masato plans to curse the ball to deliver bad fortunes regardless of the witch who owns the ball's black or white nature. Rinne arrives and steals back his 100 yen coin from Masato before tossing the devil aside as if he were nothing. This prompts Masato to put his plan into action. He inflates a magical snake that swallows Annette's crystal ball and then lays an egg with the ball inside. Unknown to Annette her crystal ball is now tainted to give only ill-fortunes. Annette and Sakura look into the ball and are shocked to see an image of Rinne walking away from a lotto ticket booth holding a massive wad of cash. Upon hearing this Masato angrily shouts that his curse must have failed somehow which gets him beaten up for Rinne. In the afterlife Rinne and Rokumon hurry to buy their cheap scythe wax when Rinne sees the lotto ticket booth from Annette's crystal ball. Unable to help himself he tries to spend all of his money on lotto tickets but thankfully Rokumon stops him. Rinne arrives too late for the scythe polish sale and decides to blow his money on the tickets after all. In the world of the living Sakura and Annette watch as the crystal ball produces a distorted image of Rinne walking away from the lotto booth with only a thousand yen, half of what he bet. Annette realizes her crystal ball has been cursed and swears to get revenge as Masato happily laughs at Rinne's misfortune.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 15
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 24 ch. 1
Publication Date: March 12, 2014
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: Episode 66: Curse of Splurge / The Cursed Peep Ball
  • The food Masato destroys before Rinne can enjoy it is "nikuman" (肉まん) a bun filled with steamed meat.
  • After wondering what to do with their 2,000 yen, Rinne and Rokumon make the sound "ki---ran" (きーらん). This sound is the onomatopoeia for "visual observation".

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: If you were going to start your own business, what would it be?
    • A: I'm very happy with my current job.

Chapter 230: 呪いを解く鍵
Noroi wo toku kagi

(The Key to Solving the Curse)
Annette explains to Rinne and Sakura that her crystal ball has been cursed by the devil Masato, but she has a way to mend the curse. Rinne and Rokudo want revenge as well after Masato tricked them into turning their 2,000 yen into a mere 1,000 yen thanks to the misleading fortune of Annette's cursed ball. Annette explains that they will have to go through an ordeal in order to break the curse and takes everyone to her home. Much to their surprise it seems like someone has broken into Annette's home and trashed it, but she explains her mother and grandmother are off at the hot springs and no one has tidied up while she is away. Annette explains that the key to breaking the curse is a literal key given to her by her grandmother. Unfortunately Annette cannot recall where she left her grandmother's precious key and uses the cursed crystal ball to reveal its location. The ball shows it in the kitchen sink and Annette dashes off to get it and immediately trips on a banana peel that she blames Masato for leaving behind (though it was actually just from her messy home). Rinne immediately beats up Masato, demanding the one thousand yen he was duped out of thanks to the cursed crystal ball. Masato tries to flee through a portal but Annette cooks up some herbs who's scent prevents his escape. Instead he tosses a smoke bomb and hides in a storage space under the floor. Annette and Sakura continue to search the house for the missing key while Rinne heads off to look for Masato. While searching Annette gets another corrupted image from her crystal ball showing Rinne stealing money from her wallet. Masato lures Rinne into Annette's room and then hides. Rinne then spies Annette's wallet laying on her bed and he and Rokumon stare at it, discussing how they were victimized by Annette's crystal ball as they consider making up for their losses by simply taking it from her pocketbook. Annette arrives and tries to attack Rinne with a baseball bat and Rokumon knocks her out with a stool before telling Rinne to hurry and up and get their money back. Annette snatches her wallet back and finds the missing key inside. Meanwhile Masato has sneaked back downstairs to try to escape through the portal again, but it is still sealed and prevents his passage. Unable to escape, Masato draws a demonic seal on Annette's dining room table and says that he will turn the house into hell. Upstairs Annette is more concerned with looking for her other misplaced magical items than breaking the curse on her crystal ball.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 16
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 24 ch. 2
Publication Date: March 19, 2014
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: Episode 66: Curse of Splurge / The Cursed Peep Ball
  • The small enclosure that Masato hides in is the under-floor storage (床下収納/yukashita shuno). Unlike homes with full basements, Japanese homes often have small cube-sized spaces to store small things beneath the floor.
  • In the anime adaptation we see Rinne taking money out of the same snake skin wallet from the previous story in this episode. In the manga however these are two different wallets as the earlier story took place four volumes later in the manga and Annette did not have her snake-skin wallet yet.
  • Sakura walks in on Rinne with the wallet in his hand and says "jiiiii". "Jiiiii" is the onomatopoeia for "stare".
  • The pattern Masato draws is a magic circle, these are used in various types of witchcraft and ritual magic.

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Who do you consider an idol?
    • A: Kiyohiko Ozaki.

Chapter 231: 白魔法の小箱
Shiromahou no kobako

(A Little Box of White Magic)
With the key now in hand Rinne, Annette, Rokumon and Sakura must find the little box that it will unlock so that the curse placed upon her crystal ball can be removed. They rush downstairs to find Masato has summoned Cerberus through a portal and into the house. Initially the dog looks like it will be a powerful, evil beast, but when it finally materializes it is a goofy looking three-headed doberman that vomits scorpions and urinates snakes and frogs all around the house. Having seen enough Annette pulls out Taima no Ken, the demon-expelling sword. Masato prepares to battle against her using his pitchfork, though he proves to be little match to Annette. While she smashes him with her sword Cerberus tears into her suitcase and finds the little white magic box she had been searching for. Inserting the key causes a mechanical voice to ask for 1,000 yen to be inserted into a slot in the box and Annette, knowing that Rinne still has 1,000 yen left from his disastrous trip to buy lotto tickets tells him to quickly put his money in. For a miser like Rinne this is a request he must wrestle with. In the chaos Masato makes a wind that pulls Rinne's 1,000 yen out of his hakama and Cerberus devours it. Rinne promptly breaks down in tears and Masato declares total victory. Fortunately Annette simply pays the 1,000 yen and opens the box to retrieve her white magic cloth. A swift polishing of her crystal ball removes the curse and Rinne smites Masato and Cerberus. With her crystal ball restored Annette peers into it and sees herself and Masato kneeling with bumps on their head. A short time later her mother and grandmother return home and beat them both for destroying the house.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 17
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 24 ch. 3
Publication Date: March 26, 2014
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: Episode 66: Curse of Splurge / The Cursed Peep Ball
  • Masato summons Cerberus, the three-headed hell hound who originated in Greek mythology. We see Cerberus vomit and urinate as well. According to Greek mythology when Heracles pulled Cerberus into the light of the living world after capturing the dog from the underworld the light made the dog vomit and everywhere he vomited grew a poisonous wolvesbane plant.
  • The kanji on Masato's fan, 悪 (aku), means "bad" or "false".

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Please tell me the best side dish that goes on top of rice.
    • A: Kashimaya salmon tea.

Chapter 232: 場所取り1993
Basho tori 1993

(Placeholder 1993)
The cherry blossoms are in bloom and Sakura, Rika and Miho all stare at a beautifully blossoming tree when a group of teens come to set up a picnic nearby. The teens comment on how surprised they are that no one else is around when suddenly an invisible force attacks them, wrapping them in their picnic blanket and smashing their food. Sakura watches as a black shadow appears running in a quick circle around the tree. Rinne arrives and surveys the scene before walking up to the presence and hitting it on the head with his scythe. The figure collapses revealing a strangely dressed young man with giant novelty 1993 glasses, a curly blonde wig and a necktie around his head. Sakura realizes the reason he appeared to be a black blur is not because he is an evil spirit but because he is wearing a black vinyl bag over his shoulders. Sakura and Rinne point out that something must have happened while he was viewing the cherry blossoms back in 1993, leaving the spirit shocked that they could deduce this (despite his giant 1993 glasses). The ghost explains that he went to a cherry blossom viewing with his co-workers, and because he was a new employee he was tasked with being a placeholder to ensure his coworkers would have a good spot to watch the blossoms from the next day, thus he had to arrive the night before and keep the spot occupied. The spirit struggles to recall why he was wearing a black garbage bag and running around the tree, so Rinne uses a tsukumogami seal to allow the cherry tree to explain what it recalls. Upon seeing the wig-wearing ghost the tree flies into a rage and starts spitting sap at him. When Rinne asks the tree what the man did to anger it the tree remains silent and they realize the sap has hardened over the tree's lips preventing it from speaking. Unable to get information from the tree Rinne presses the ghost again and he admits he cannot remember much because he was drunk on the night in question. He admits that two women arrived and he got drunk with them. After a while they accused him of sexual harassment, slapped him and then left. He recalls wanting another drink and stumbling off to a convenience store, drunkenly falling down a flight of stairs into a heap of trash bags. He passed out there until the next morning and rushed back to the cherry tree only to discover that the spot he was supposed to save for his co-workers was now taken thanks to his absence. He explains how he angrily chased people away, knocking over their food and tossing their blankets in an attempt to reclaim the spot that he had lost. Suddenly he asks Sakura for the time and starts to panic when he realizes it is 5:00 pm and his co-workers will be arriving soon. He immediately starts dashing around the tree to prevent anyone else from sitting near it explaining why he was first found dashing about. He seems stuck in this loop and for the past 20 years as repeated this action again and again. Rinne sends Rokumon to rent an illusionary lantern to help create an image of the ghost's co-workers and allow him to break this repeating cycle. Seeing the happy faces of his co-workers allows the ghost to finally pass on. Rinne and Sakura stare at the tree as Rinne despondently realizes he's out some money on the rental fees for the lantern he used to help. Just then Sakura suggests that they have a picnic under the tree tomorrow and Rinne is overjoyed at the idea. Unfortunately the next day it rains and the picnic is moved into Rinne's room where Tsubasa and Renge tag along too.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 18
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 24 ch. 4
Publication Date: April 2, 2014
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: None

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: If you could tell your 15-year-old self something, what would it be?
    • A: In five years, we will debut.

Chapter 233: 虹色のタケノコ
Nijiiro no takenoko

(Rainbow Colored Bamboo Shoot)
Once every seven years a rainbow colored bamboo shoot will grow in the bamboo forests of the afterlife, during Tanabata, any wishes that are written down and hung from the rainbow shoot are thought to have a very good chance of coming true. It is early spring and now the shoot is just beginning to break through the ground and glimmer its iridescent glow. In the bamboo forest Kain has organized all of the young shinigami to go and seek out the bamboo shoot in order to protect it and allow it to grow. He warns them that the rainbow shoot is not to be eaten, only protected. He warns everyone that if they eat the rainbow colored bamboo shoot they will be fined 100,000 yen, though they are allowed to harvest the other shoots to eat. Rinne and Rokumon head out, digging up ordinary shoots and passing the rainbow colored one almost immediately. Shockingly the shoot starts to chase them, dragging itself through the ground. Suddenly Renge appears and pulls the shoot from the ground, and despite Rinne's warning that she could be fined 100,000 yen, she plans to grow the shoot in secret and attach only her own wishes too it so that they will surely come true. Just then Kurosu attacks, smashes Renge with a mallet and steals the shoot for himself. Kurosu reveals that he plans to sell it, claiming he can get 200,000 for it on the market. With everyone in pursuit the shoot struggles free from Kurosu's grasp and tumbles back down into the forest below. Elsewhere in the forest Ageha and Oboro are boiling some bamboo shoots that they dug up for have a meal, she thinks the smell of bamboo will lure Rinne to come see her. Just then the rainbow colored shoot falls into Oboro's cooking pot and he slams the lid down on it. Because Ageha overslept and missed the meeting, they have no idea that they will be fined if they cook the rainbow shoot. when Rinne arrives, Ageha hands him the steaming bamboo shoot just as Kain walks up and sees Rinne clutching it. Panicking, Rinne throws it away to avoid the huge fine. Kurosu catches it and sees that it is still intact enough to sell, leading everyone to chase after him. Finally he drops the shoot and it rolls over to Suzu, Kain's black cat, who promptly says she's hungry and roasts the rainbow shoot over a fire. The shoot stumbles out of the fire and picks up a stick, scratching a wish of its own into the ground, that says it wishes to become a bamboo tree. Just then it grows safely to a little stalk, no longer in danger of being devoured by anyone.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 19
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 24 ch. 5
Publication Date: April 9, 2014
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: Episode 55: Kuroboshi Sansei / The Lucky Pot / Bamboo Sprout in Rainbow Color
  • Kyokai no RINNE did not appear in the following issue, Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 20. In this missed issue there is a tribute to Cyborg 009 that has characters drawn by Rumiko Takahashi, Keisuke Oka, Kenji Taguchi, Hiro Morita, Shun Matsuena, Hiroshi Fukuda, Hiromu Arakawa, Kazuhiro Fujita and Gosho Aoyama all dressed in the red uniforms of the cyborg team.

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Please tell me if there is something in your daily life that makes you say, "I wish I had this."
    • A: Please revive the mini-disc player.

Chapter 234: 追萩月

One afternoon Tamako, Kuroboshi and his grandson are out in the yard when Tamako explains that she is planning to pick up a little pocket money by capturing a wanted criminal spirit, a black fox spirit worth 50,000 yen. Heading into her storage house, she tells the two black cats that she has the perfect scythe for dealing with just such a spirit when she comes upon her son, Sabato, attempting to steal the needed weapon. Sabato makes a hasty retreat with the scythe but as soon as he removes it from its sheathe he is electrocuted by its anti-theft barrier much to Tamako's great pleasure. The scythe falls through a portal, passing into the realm of the living where Rinne finds it and is also shocked when trying to pick it up. It falls to the ground where Sakura finds it and bends down to pick it up just as Rinne shouts a warning not to touch it. Much to Tamako and Rinne's surprise Sakura is not harmed by the anti-theft barrier. In fact the scythe speaks, telling Sakura it recognizes her as its new owner. Everyone is quite surprised but the fact is confirmed when Sabato tries to take the scythe from Sakura and is shocked once more for trying while Sakura is spared any effects from the jolt at all. Rinne is shocked when he realizes that the scythe must have sensed that Sakura had some innate talent to be a shinigami. Tamako explains though that the anti-theft barrier was put in place to shock any males that would try to take the scythe (mostly with Sabato in mind). Tamako explains that Sakura will have to exorcise seven ghosts for the scythe to fully recognize her as its true owner and allow her to release it from her hands. With that she sets off to try and help a passing knife-wielding spirit find peace. Rinne eventually intervenes, banishing the spirit himself and volunteering to coach Sakura through the process of learning to be a shinigami. Tamako takes her leave but not before telling Sakura that her new scythe's name is "Oihagizuki," the best weapon for dispatching the black fox spirit that is on the loose. Rinne immediately recognizes the potential benefits of this, as he can claim the reward for capturing the fox spirit thanks to the special power this scythe has to drive the fox out of anyone it should happen to possess. Suddenly there is a burst of spiritual energy and dozens of ghosts arrive all needing to be exorcised. It seems Sabato has brought them, hoping that Sakura will deal with them and then relinquish her hold on the scythe so that he could take it from her. All of the spirits plead with Sakura that they want to go to heaven and she cheerfully tries to help them, falling into Sabato's trap. Just then Renge flies past, exorcising all the spirit as she wildly hunts for the black fox spirit. Sakura apologizes to Rinne, telling him it may take some time for her to exorcise the needed number of ghosts, but Rinne is secretly pleased to spend time with her.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 21
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 24 ch. 6
Publication Date: April 23, 2014
Pages:1 (full color) 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: Episode 48: Sakura the Shinigami?!

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Please tell us your memories of Spring.
    • A: Freezing to death in the opening game of Jingu Stadium.

Chapter 235: 浄霊特訓弁当つき
Jyourei tokkun tsuki

(Exorcism Special Training Boxed Lunch)
Sakura meets Rinne at a haunted house to begin their training and she brings along a boxed lunch to thank the shinigami for his offer to help school her in exorcisms. Rinne calls forth the spirits to come out if they would like help going to heaven and the ghost of an elderly woman volunteers to let Sakura send her off. Sakura brings her scythe down upon the ghostly woman's head and she vanishes, making this her first successful exorcism. Things are going well until Rinne catches a glimpse of the black fox demon drifting by but Sakura is more concerned with helping the minor spirits find peace. Sakura gets in over her head when one spirit turns evil and Rinne has to intercede allowing the black fox to drift away. As Sakura diligently exorcises simple spirits one after another, Rinne thinks about all the food he could buy with the reward money, not realizing he's mumbling about it aloud. Just then Renge arrives and starts to engage the black fox, prompting Rinne to to try and prevent her from stopping the fox and getting the reward. As they fight with one another the black fox smashes both Renge and Rinne, causing them to drop their scythes which are promptly collected by Sabato, leaving Sakura as the only one still armed. While holding both their scythes, the black fox suddenly swoops down and possesses Sabato. Now Sakura must battle against Rinne's possessed dual-scythe wielding father using her new weapon.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 22-23
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 24 ch. 7
Publication Date: April 30, 2014
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: Episode 48: Sakura the Shinigami?!

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Please share one memory of a school teacher.
    • A: I was not good at mathematics, so I was shocked when my teacher appeared in my dream.

Chapter 236: 桜VS黒ギツネ
Sakura vs kuro gitsune

(Sakura vs The Black Fox)
Possessed by the black fox, Sabato looks down from high in the sky at Rinne and Sakura, triumphantly holding both Rinne and Renge's scythes. Sabato easily dispatches Rinne and then sweeps down to knock the scythe out of Sakura's hands. Sabato tries to pick up Oihagizuki, but once again it shocks him thanks to its protective barrier preventing men from picking up the magical scythe. Renge then moves to pick up the weapon which she easily does, but unfortunately the scythe wilts when it Renge fails the authentication check. Sabato calls for Renge to escape with him since she can at least carry Oihagizuki, but she returns the scythe to Sakura and Rinne sneaks up behinds his possessed father, locking his arms behind him and commanding Sakura to attack him with the scythe and purge the fox spirit from his father. Sabato bows before Sakura as she swings, causing her to strike Rinne and in the back of his head as Sabato tilts him forward and then he frees himself though Renge steps in to try to exorcise the fox so that she can claim the 50,000 yen reward. Renge's scythe is knocked loose, falling and slicing the bento box open. Sabato dives down to eat which allows Sakura to softly tap Rinne's father with the scythe and exorcism the rampaging fox spirit. With the banishing of the fox spirit the scythe announces that Sakura has exorcised the required number of spirits and its security features are now disabled. Tamako arrives shortly thereafter with bad news, it seems Sakura is not eligible for the reward due to her status as human, who can only receive rewards during Evil Spirit Awareness month. Tamako takes Oihagizuki back with her and Rinne apologizes to Sakura who brightens his day by saying she enjoyed learning about how difficult his work was. Later Tamako tries to talk Sakura into borrowing Oihagizuki and helping Rinne with some more exorcisms, but both pass on the offer.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 24
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 24 ch. 8
Publication Date: May 14, 2014
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: Episode 48: Sakura the Shinigami?!

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Please tell us if there is an actor or actress you've become interested in lately?
    • A: Kasumi Arimura is cute.

Chapter 237: ロッカー伝説
Rokaa densetsu

(The Legend of the Locker)
Rinne finds a letter in the weather hutch from the Sankai High soccer team's manager, a girl named Miku Senda who says that something seems amiss with Shinobu Arai, one of her friends on the team. It seems that his soccer uniform is the only one that becomes increasingly dirty throughout the day, unusually so, in fact. When she takes up the uniforms to wash them, Shinobu always declines. Miku investigated his locker and found that it was filthy as well, but strangely Shinobu always kept it locked. Finally she decides to break in and what she sees shocks her- an eye staring back at her from the darkness telling her to shut up. As Miku recounts the story Arai appears to pick up his cleats and she flees. Rinne decides to interrogate the soccer player about why he will not allow his uniform to be washed. After some research Rinne learns that this problem has existed prior to Shinobu inheriting the locker. Soon Miku's chastisement of Shinobu is too much for the player to handle and he willingly opens his locker to Rinne, showing him that there is nothing amiss inside. However Sakura is able to see what most cannot- there is a portal to the spirit world inside the locker. Rinne corrects her, while this looks like a spirit path, this is actually a spirit bag which holds onto some otherworldly presence instead of allowing it to pass on to the other side. Rinne uses a "magic hand" an accordion style suction cup grabber to pull the contents out of the spirit bag. With a tug, Rinne pulls out dozens and dozens of smelly soccer uniforms. Using a cheap ten yen paper doll to revive the spirits inhabiting the unwashed uniforms Rinne attempts to get to the bottom of the problem. The paper doll explains that his owner refused to wash his uniform believing it brought him good luck. Finally when they reached the playoffs he decided to clean his uniform and promptly lost, further cementing the idea that his luck was tied to the dirty uniform. Getting to the root of the problem Rinne thoroughly washes the once-hidden uniforms.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 25
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 24 ch. 9
Publication Date: May 21, 2014
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: None

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Please tell us any experiences you have with culture shocks or generation gaps.
    • A: I recently learned there is another way to access the internet other than Explorer.

Chapter 238: 心霊エレベーター
Shinrei erebeetaa

(Spirit Elevator)
Miho, Rika and Sakura visit an apartment building where a strange rumor persists about the building's elevator. The building only has eight floors but the elevator has a button for a ninth floor. It is said that when pressed the elevator will dump its occupants somewhere strange. The girls visit the mysterious elevator and while on board a group of children come in and randomly slap the button causing Rika and Miho to fly into a panic. Sakura notices a ghostly face scroll past the doors as the elevator travels up the shaft, but no one else is able to see it. The elevator opens on the roof, leaving everyone else to believe that there is nothing unusual after all, though Sakura reports the ghost to Rinne who takes up the investigation. Rinne and Sakura encounter an elderly lady who explains that the building had originally been planned to have a ninth floor before alterations were made. After she departs, Rinne uses a seal over the ninth floor button that opens the elevator into a darkly lit room filled with bizarre items. Paper tags describe the odd items- dolls with hair that continues to grow, a painting of a ghost that wanders from the image, and another with roaming eyes. Finally an elderly man emerges and says that the collection belongs to him. He is the same ghostly face that Sakura saw as the elevator moved to the roof earlier. The spirit explains that his wife, the woman Rinne and Sakura met earlier had opposed his odd collecting habits and forbid him from building the ninth floor which he had hoped to used to house the items. He explains that he often sees the elevator pass and tries to get the attention of the riders but they never stop. Sakura and Rinne both realize that the old man does not realize he has died. The old man sadly admits that all of the items are phony and he feels like a failure, but Rinne points out that the one genuine article is the man himself, being that he is a real ghost. The old man is overjoyed, remembering how he died during the construction of the apartment building. Finally he realizes he can prove to his wife that ghosts really do exist, that his hobby was not mere foolish delusions. Sadly the old woman cannot see him and thus he cannot prove to her that ghosts are real much to Rinne's frustration.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2014 Vol. 26
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 24 ch. 10
Publication Date: May 28, 2014
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: None

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Who do you think is the funniest entertainer?
    • A: Japan Electric Union.

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