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Cultural Notes

Musical Fantasy - Mermaid Forest
Retro Pop Culture

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Originally broadcast on November 3, 1989 (and later rebroadcast on November 23, 1990) on NHK-FM Radio was the Mermaid Saga radio drama from the "FM Theater" series. Entitled "Musical Fantasy - Mermaid Forest" the show was a single 75 minute program. Yuta was played by Goro Noguchi, while Mana and Rin were both portrayed by Kaho Shimada and the older woman character being voiced by Hisako Okata.

The story borrowed from both "A Mermaid Never Smiles" and "The Village of the Fighting Fish" storylines, with no connection to the "Mermaid Forest" story, despite the title. You can learn more about the broadcast from our video here and listen to the entire broadcast taped from the radio here.