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Bye-Bye Road

Bye-Bye Road
Baibai Roodo

A very short story involving a group of street salesmen trying to make a pitch to a young student. The salesmen relentlessly pursue the hapless boy as he flees from their unceasing sales pitches. It also marked the debut of Spark Enjou, Takahashi's first recurring character who later reappears in Equation of Nirvana. This was Takahashi's earliest "polished" piece and helped to show the direction her career was to take. It marks the first of her stories to use screentones and a serious, professional look.

Published In:
  • Bibitto Vol. 2
  • Shonen Sunday Graphic: Urusei Yatsura Vol. 3
  • Pafu (Puff) November/December 1979 Combined Issue
Publication Date: XXX
Pages: X (full color) XX (black and white)
Anime Adaptation: None
  • Spark Enjou will go on to become a notable character, as he is Takahashi's first true protagonist and will go on to star in a few more stories after debuting in Bye-Bye Road. He will appear again in chapter 8 of Urusei Yatsura. in a cameo, before playing a more central role in Equation of Nirvana (涅槃の方程式).