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One-Pound Gospel - The Lamb's Future Plans Part 1

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Page 1

Panel 1
An opening shot of the front of Mukoda's Gym at night.

Mukoda: Kosaku, what the hell are you doing? You haven’t shown your face around the gym for two weeks!

Panel 2
Inside the gym Kosaku is punching as Mukoda berates him

Mukoda: You’ve got a match next month. Or did you forget.

Kosaku: Uh...

Panel 3
Mukoda and Kosaku talking.

Mukoda: Huh… You did forget?

Kosaku: ...

Panel 4

Mukoda's getting in Kosaku's face.

Mukoda: You forgot!?

Kosaku: Well...

Panel 5

Closeup of Kosaku with his gloves raised.

Kosaku: I guess I just got a little distracted because of my special training...

Panel 6

Mukoda and Ishida looking confused.

Mukoda & Ishida: Special training...?

Page 2
A full page spread of Angela looking cheerful.

Angela: Oh, Mr. Hatanaka... You've got a match next month?

Page 3
A full page of Kosaku smiling at Angela as he jogs with Mukoda between them bashing Kosaku over the head with his plastic megaphone.

Kosaku: Wahaha, I'll win no problem!

Mukoda: Not if you don't drop 10 kg before the fight.

Angela: Good luck.

Page 4

Panel 1

Outside Mukoda's Gym at night.

Ishida: So Coach, Kosaku's next opponent, Manabu Sakura...

Panel 2

Inside the gym, Ishida and Mukoda lean on the ring ropes watching a sparring match.

Ishida: Is that why he's doing all this special training?

Mukoda: Naah, the lousy bum.

Panel 3

The night sky.

Mukoda: Out of 12 bouts he's won 8 but, all of them were by decision. Not one win by K.O.

Ishida: Guess he's not a flashy fighter...

Panel 4

Back inside the gym.

Mukoda: Hm? Where'd Kosaku go?

Shunpei: He had to go home and get ready. For his part time job...

Panel 5

Kosaku walks into a classroom, wearing a yellow uniform.

Kosaku: Calorie Cottaaaaage! I've got your bento delivery.

Page 5

Panel 1

A man wearing a tie holds a book and stands in front of a blackboard.

Sakura: Oh yes, the food.

Little Boy: I got the "success" bento.

Little Boy 2: I got the "pass" special.

Panel 2

Kosaku smiling cheerfully.

Kosaku: Evening teach.

Panel 3

Sakura smiling back at Kosaku.

Sakura: Why hello there, delivery boy. How's the studying going?

Panel 4

Sakura looking at Kosaku's study guide.

Kosaku: Well, I could use a little help with this one...

Sakura: Which?

Page 6

Panel 1

Closeup of a page of the book.

Text: 26. Which among the following ar incorrect in terms of dietary fiber?
1. Foodstuff and items from the monosaccharide genus

2. Pectin and mannan contain dietary fiber

3. Dietary fiber does not have a sweet taste, except when broken down

Panel 2

Kosaku and Sakura looking at the book.

Kosaku: And here.

Sakura: That's...

Panel 3

Sakura smiling.

Sakura: "Fiber" is how it's pronounced.

Panel 4

Closeup of a part of a page of the book.

Kosaku: And how about this one, prof...

Sakura: That's read "additive".

Panel 5

Kosaku leaving the classroom.

Kosaku: Thanks for the help. See ya.

Sakura: Good luck.

Panel 6

Sakura with a blank look on his face as his students talk behind him.

Boy with glasses: That delivery boy must be an idiot to have to ask questions about kanji.

Messy haired boy: You had to help me with some though.

Panel 7

Sakura looks warmly at his students.

Sakura: Guys, someone that works that hard isn't an idiot. That delivery boy has to work hard because he doesn't have the qualifications to do anything else.

Page 7

Panel 1

The students looking back at their teacher.

Boy with glasses: I bet that guy just isn't cut out for studying.

Boy with messy hair: Yeah, he's just wasting his time, I bet.

Panel 2

Sakura looking serious.

Sakura: No, not at all.

Panel 3

Sakura speaking.

Sakura: Whether he is suited for it or not, no one else can make that decision.

Panel 3

Sakura burning with desire....literally.

Sakura: Whether its a decision and not a K.O. or if he's not flashy it doesn't matter if they say you're being selfish.

Boy with glasses: I didn't say anything like that.

Boy with messy hair: What's he talking about?

Panel 4

Mukoda on his bicycle chasing Kosaku.

Mukoda: Good, Kosaku, your next opponent isn't what you're used to. He's selfish. This guy only wants to win with a knockout.

Kosaku: Huff

Page 8

Panel 1

Kosaku on the scale.

Mukoda: Alright, only one more kilogram to go.

Kosaku: Awesome.

Panel 2

A snack box opening.

Mukoda: Well then.

Panel 3

Mukoda bashing Kosaku over the head.

Mukoda: What the hell are you eating!?

Panel 4

Kosaku smiling holding his bento box.

Kosaku: Oh... It's a leftover bento I got at work, it's supposed to make me smarter...

Panel 5

Kosaku and Mukoda staring at each other.

Mukoda: Huh?

Kosaku: Yeah, it's supposed to improve my thought process.

Panel 6

A look at the open bento box.

Kosaku: You've got seafood, beans, and greens in the center. They're all supposed to be good for the brain.

Panel 7

Mukoda and Kosaku smiling strangely

Mukoda: Oh, do you think it's working?

Kosaku: Sure thing.

Panel 8

Mukoda bashes Kosaku over the head

Mukoda: Enough of your idiot jibber-jabber.

Panel 9

Mukoda gets in Kosaku's face

Mukoda: If anything you've gotten worse. Especially your judgment.

Page 9

Panel 1

The outside of a moving train.

Panel 2

Inside the train, Kosaku is studying as Mukoda looks on angrily.

Kosaku: Okay, enough already Coach. It was leftover from my part-time job...

Mukoda: Shaddup.

Panel 3

Closeup of Mukoda with his eyes closed.

Mukoda: You didn't even think, you just took that boxed lunch. This guy that runs your store doesn't sound so great either.

Panel 4

Mukoda notices Kosaku is studying.

Mukoda: Huh?

Panel 5

Spine of Kosaku's study guide.

Mukoda: "Chef's Examination.... Problems and Answers?"

Panel 6

Mukoda looks at Kosaku with surprise.

Mukoda: Kosaku you're...taking an exam to become a licensed chef?

Panel 5

Kosaku's face is buried in his book, Mukoda looks irritated.

Kosaku: Yup. Right now I'm learning how to read these kanji.

Mukoda: ...and have you forgotten about the match?

Page 10

Panel 1

Downtown Tokyo, in front of the Calorie Cottage

Mukoda: You gave a boxed lunch to Hatanaka...?

Panel 2

A very thin, sick looking man holding chopsticks.

Boss: Not exactly.

Panel 3

Kosaku looking nervous.

Panel 4

Kosaku puts on his apron for work as Mukoda talks to the sickly man.

Mukoda: Listen Manager. Kosaku is prepping for a match and trying to lose weight...

Boss: Then I have to find someone else to taste test for me?

Panel 5

Mukoda gets in the man's face.

Mukoda: Do it yourself.

Boss: I've got a weak stomach. I can't eat this stuff.

Page 11

Panel 1

Mukoda punches Kosaku in the head as he puts a shrimp in his mouth.

See Coach, thats why I...

Mukoda: Stop eating

Boss: I've got a weak stomach. I can't eat this stuff.

Panel 2

Intense closeup of the boss' face.

Boss:Kosaku, hurry up and switch to full time. When are you going to quit boxing?

Panel 3

Lightning strikes as Mukoda becomes enraged.

Panel 4

Kosaku holds Mukoda back as the boss looks confused.

Kosaku:Settle down coach.

Mukoda:This bastard's not telling me the whole story.

Boss:I just want him to hurry up and quit...

Panel 5

St. Mary's Daycare

Panel 6

Kosaku jogging in place.

Kosaku:So, it was sort of a big blow up.

Angela: Oh I see...

Panel 7

Angela smiling.

Angela: But you're doing so well, Mr. Hatanaka. You're earning your qualifications and studying...

Panel 8

Kosaku blushing in profile with Angela.

Kosaku:Y-yeah, you're right.

Angela: Please do your best.

Page 12

Panel 1

Mukoda's Gym with an inset of Mukoda sitting backwards in his chair.

Mukoda: *thinking* Shit. That bastard store manager. "When are you going to quit boxing?"

Panel 2

Kosaku pounding away intensely on the heavybag as Mukoda sits enraged behind him.

Mukoda: *thinking* I can't believe he'd say something like that to you Kosaku... and you didn't even get mad.

Panel 3

Shunpei and the black-haired boxer look on with Mukoda.

Dark-haired Boxer: Hey, although Kosaku is sort of a goof-off we still need him around here.

Mukoda: Well, the shop manager has a weak constitution. Kosaku's his only employee. So...

Page 13

Panel 1

Kosaku punching the bag.

Mukoda: With the economy like it is even a little money from selling boxed lunches seems to be enough for him. He hasn't even complained about the amount of work from doing that and boxing at the same time.

Panel 2

A sky shot.

Panel 3

The Calorie Cottage at night.

Kosaku: Thanks manager. I'll see you tomorrow.

Panel 4

Kosaku's boss looking very ill.

Kosaku: I'm really depending on you...

Panel 5

Kosaku's boss falls to the floor.

Kosaku: Manager!

Panel 6

The outside of Kosaku's boss' apartment.

Panel 7

Inside his apartment, Kosaku's boss is laying in bed with Kosaku kneeling beside him.

Boss: I'm sorry, thanks for bringing me home. I just overdid it.

Kosaku: Yeah.

Panel 8

Closeup of Kosaku's boss looking more sickly than ever.

Boss: Once you take your chef's licensing test you'll be able to run the kitchen too... I'm lucky to have you.

Page 14

Panel 1

Kosaku walking through the city at night.

Kosaku: For the first time in my life, someone's really counting on me...

Panel 2

Kosaku looks surprised.

Kosaku: Huh?

Panel 3

Manabu Sakura is jogging towards him.

Panel 4

Kosaku calls out to Sakura.

Kosaku: Teach...

Sakura: Oh, the lunch vendor.

Panel 5

Kosaku stands as Sakura jogs in place.

Kosaku: Out for a jog?

Sakura: Yeah...

Page 15

Panel 1

Kosaku and Manabu Sakura talking.

Kosaku: I'm really working hard but... I've got a bad brain.

Sakura: Mr. Lunch Vendor...

Panel 2

Sakura looking excited.

Sakura: You have to have self-confidence. Nothing in this world is impossible.

Panel 3

Kosaku looking bashful as Sakura praises him.

Kosaku:'re right.

Sakura: Yes, isn't this your dream?

Panel 4

Sakura's glasses gloss over as he becomes more excited.

Kosaku: There's power in perseverance. Everyone else's opinions are just secondary.

Panel 5

Kosaku gets excited as well.

Kosaku: Yeah.

Sakura: Right.

Panel 6

Sakura gets even more excited, as fire erupts behind him.

Sakura: So what if it's a decision and not a K.O. or if I'm not flashy. I don't care!!

Kosaku: Huh?

Page 16

Panel 1

Mukoda's Gym.

Mukoda: M'kay.

Panel 2

Inside, Kosaku is getting weighed once again.

Mukoda: When are you going to take some time off from that delivery job?

Kosaku: Huh?

Panel 3

Closeup of Kosaku.

Mukoda: But if I take time off my boss'll probably die.

Panel 4

Long view of Kosaku, Mukoda and Ishida.

Ishida: Two weeks and eight kilos left... Now if we can just keep you isolated we'll have an easy victory.

Mukoda: Right.

Ishida: That's...

Panel 5

Coach is getting angry.

Panel 6

Mukoda hops up, very animated.

Mukoda: But if you choose that restaurant then you're retiring after this fight! You're finished!

Ishida: C'mon Coach...

Page 17

Panel 1

Kosaku looks on in stunned silence.

Kosaku: .........

Panel 2

Kosaku puts his chin in his palm and begins to think as Mukoda's jaw drops.

Mukoda: Huh!?

Panel 3

Mukoda becomes panicked and leaps to Kosaku's side.

Mukoda: Hey, what’s there to think about!?
You feel like quitting!?

Ishida: He's got a tough decision to make, why don't you give him some time?

Panel 4

The Calorie Cottage has not yet opened.

Panel 5

A closeup of a piece of paper on the door.

Writing on the paper: Due to unforeseen circumstances, I'm taking some time off. -Calorie Cottage

Panel 6

At the gym Kosaku is sharing some news with Mukoda. Mukoda is getting very upset.

Mukoda: The boss from the restaurant had to go to the hospital due to exhaustion!?

Kosaku: Yeah.

Page 18

Panel 1

Mukoda is secretly happy and begins to think.

Mukoda: My lucky day!
Now we can start his weight-loss program!!

Panel 2

Angela's voice can be heard at the church.

Angela: We're having mass today...

Panel 3

Angela staring.

Angela: Mr. Hatanaka isn't coming?

Panel 4

Angela and Mukoda are discussing Kosaku as paritioners enter the church behind them.

Mukoda: We had him locked up at the gym so he could lose weight...

Angela: Oh?
He ran away?

Panel 5

Closeup of the altar piece.

Mukoda: Really...
I don't know what that bastard is thinking.

Panel 6

Mukoda sits down on the edge of the pew as Angela stands in front of him.

Mukoda: He's just not motivated.

Angela: Coach.

Panel 7

Angela looks concerned.

Angela: This isn't all that unusual.
Is it?

Page 19

Panel 1

Angela smiles, attempting to put Mukoda at ease.

Angela: That's how he is. Mr. Hatanaka always waits until the last minute.
Please believe in him...

Panel 2

Mukoda exhales and lowers his head as Angela looks at him encouragingly.

Mukoda: You think so huh?

Angela: I do.

Panel 3

Mukoda and Angela turn as they hear someone enter and call out the sister's name.

Kosaku: Sister Angela!

Panel 4

Kosaku waves happily to Angela as he enters the church, sparkles of light surrounding him.

Kosaku: I've got something important to tell you.

Panel 5

Mukoda ducks behind the pew to hide.

Mukoda: Ko-Kosaku.

Panel 6

Mukoda watches as Kosaku approaches Angela

Mukoda: That bastard... Why's he look so happy?

Page 20

Panel 1

Angela looks concerned as Kosaku smiles at her.

Angela: Mr. Hatanaka, where have you been?
Your coach was worried...

Kosaku: Well, to tell the truth...

Panel 2

Kosaku looks down, blushing slightly.

Kosaku: Today I took my chef's licensing exam.

Panel 3

Angela looks slightly surprised.

Angela: Oh?

Panel 4

The pair look at each other in profile.

Angela: So... that's where you've been?

Kosaku: Yeah, and...

Panel 5

Kosaku beams with pride, while Angela looks stunned.

Kosaku: I'm going to quit boxing because,
I want you to leave the church.

Page 21

Panel 1

Angela and Kosaku in profile, Angela is still shocked but Kosaku is very serious.


Kosaku: You can come work with me at the Calorie Cottage.

Panel 2

Angela's surprise has turned to weariness at Kosaku's ridiculous request, as Kosaku gets carried away with his speech.

Angela: Mr. Hatanaka...?

Kosaku: Until now I could only find strength in my boxing but,

Panel 3

Closeup of Kosaku's face.

Kosaku: I think a future at the bento restaurant would be pretty good,
the shop manager really counts on me.

Panel 4

Kosaku regains Angela's attention as he pulls out his check book and holds it in front of her face.

Kosaku: I know it might be tough at first, but
I've opened a bank account...

Panel 5

Mukoda appears and smashes Kosaku over the head with his fist. Angela nervously examines Kosaku's check book.

Mukoda: You bastard!

Angela: 1,980 yen...?

Panel 6

Mukoda begins to sweat as he realizes what is happening.

Mukoda: Your boxing career...
After all of this...

Kosaku: C...Coach...

Page 21

Panel 1

Mukoda turns and runs out of the church with tears pouring out of his eyes.

Mukoda: You stupid bastard... I don't even know you anymore!

Kosaku: C...

Angela: Coach.

Panel 2

Kosaku looks sad as Angela stands behind him.

Mukoda: Coach...

Angela: Mr. Hatanaka..

Panel 3

Closeup of Angela's face.

Angela: Boxing...
Do you actually hate it?

Panel 4

A profile of Kosaku as he thinks this over.

Mukoda: Hate it...

Panel 5

Outside the gym.

Page 22

Panel 1

The other boxers are waiting on Kosaku as he arrives.

Dark Haired Boxer: Kosaku you're retiring after your next match?

Shunpei: Coach went inside to lie down.

Panel 2

Kosaku enters Mukoda's room.

Panel 3

Kosaku sits down beside Mukoda's futon.

Kosaku: Coach, I...

Mukoda: It's fine....

Panel 4

Mukoda lays down with his eyes closed, facing away from Kosaku

Mukoda: Even though you just half-assed it,
I never thought you'd quit until now.

Panel 5

Kosaku is surprised to hear this.

Kosaku: !

Panel 6

Mukoda lays in his bed, looking tired.

Kosaku: But I guess we all make mistakes.
You can't work as a boxer your whole life.

Mukoda: It's fine....

Page 23

Panel 1

Kosaku looks nervous as Mukoda springs from his bed to scream at him.

Kosaku: it true I'm retiring after my next match?

Mukoda: Dammit, is that all you've got to say?

Panel 2

Mukoda tears up as he continues to berate Kosaku.

Mukoda: This is your last fight so you'd better win big.
Anyway your next opponent is Manabu Sakura.

Panel 3

Kosaku listens quietly as Mukoda continues to yells in his face.

Mukoda: He only wins by decisions,
The little bastard's never got a K.O. Flashy he ain't.

Panel 4

Manabu Sakura and his trainer are in the ring sparring as Manabu feels a sudden flash of excitement. His coach and another man look on.

Sakura: I think someone's talking bad about me!

Sakura's Coach: You'll be okay Sakura...

Man: It's because you're working at that private school and not getting enough rest.

Translation by Harley Acres. Please do not reproduce or repost this translation elsewhere.